Testing Process for Athletes with an Impairment
Testing is an important part of clean sport.
The testing process is harmonised to ensure that any athlete who is tested does so under the same processes and procedures, and that athletes’ rights are protected.
For those athletes with an impairment such as physical, vision or intellectual there are some modifications to the testing process to ensure it is accessible and suitable for all.
We recommend that athletes take a representative with them to the Doping Control Station.
The facts - what you need to know about the testing process
When testing athletes with an impairment, the following modifications can be applied.
If you have a vision impairment:
- It is strongly recommended that notification, sample division and completion of paperwork is conducted in the presence of a representative (who is not another member of Doping Control Personnel).
- During sample provision, the Doping Control Officer (DCO)/Chaperone will have a second observer present to observe them and their conduct. Your representative (if present) can be present in addition to the second observer at your request, but neither the second observer or representative should directly observe the sample provision unless requested to do so by you.
If you have a physical impairment:
- You will be asked if you require any assistance to provide your sample.
- If you are notified for a urine test and you have a catheter or drainage system, you must provide any equipment yourself and the DCO/Chaperone will observe the route of drainage.
- If you have a leg bag or are using self-catheterisation, you will be asked to use a new and preferably sealed set of equipment. If that is not possible you will be asked to fully drain your leg bag.
- You should take a representative with you if you know you will need help with the testing process.
- If you do not have a representative to help you then the DCO may assist. This applies to both a urine and blood test.
If you have an intellectual impairment:
- You are encouraged to have a representative with you during the process.
What that means for you
To ensure that testing remains a positive experience for all athletes, they have a number of rights and responsibilities. These remain the same for all athletes, including those with an impairment.
It is important to familiarise yourself with these rights and responsibilities as well as understanding how the modifications above can support you through the testing procedure.
What you should do
- Familiarise yourself with the Testing Process and your rights and responsibilities.
- Understand that as an athlete with an impairment there are some modifications to the testing process and familiarise yourself with these.
- Always undertake the test.
- We encourage you to have a representative present should you require assistance with conducting the test.
- Download the 100% me Clean Sport App and use its medications function to record all the medications you have taken – this will help you complete the Declarations box on the Doping Control Form.
Where to go for further advice
Read the information on the Testing Process to familiarise yourself with the process.