Scientist looking at test results

Intelligence and Investigations

UK Anti-Doping uses intelligence to develop increasingly sophisticated techniques to tackle doping in sport.

We form an in-depth knowledge of anti-doping activities through the management of information from a wide range of sources.

We are here to support and protect those speaking out. If something feels wrong and someone is trying to stop you from saying it, contact UKAD.

Information is key

UKAD business functions include an Intelligence and Investigations Team, who adopt the principles of the National Intelligence Model (NIM).

NIM is a business model used by law enforcement agencies, and increasingly by other intelligence-focused partners, to ensure the effective and efficient collection, recording, analysis, dissemination and retention of information.

This enables us to prioritise issues in doping and allocate the resources to deal with them accordingly.

Information coming into UKAD is submitted to the NIM process and cross-referenced with existing data. It may be subject to further research and analysis, before being used internally or disseminated to relevant parties such as government agencies and National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs).

We provide detailed instructions and guidance for handling information shared with other organisations, and all data held complies with the Data Protection Act (2018).

Picture of needle and liquid in two bottles