Report doping

Protect Your Sport

It takes a team to stop a drug cheat. If you think someone is cheating, tell us.

We gather information from many places to help us build up a picture and decide what to do. 

So if you think something is going on, tell us – you will be doing the right thing, and no one will know you got in touch.

How to get in touch

We want you to come forward in confidence, and without fear, which is why we offer a number of ways to get in touch with us.

Note: If you are raising concerns about doping in powerlifting, please use WADA’s Speak Up Platform on the International Powerlifting Federation website.


Send an anonymous WhatsApp or SMS message to UKAD
(This service keeps your phone number and identity hidden)

What happens next?

Once you have sent UKAD your report, a specialist member of staff will review your information. Watch this video which explains what could happen next thanks to your report.

It takes a team

Support the promotion of UKAD's Protect Your Sport campaign by downloading our graphics and resources.

  • Reports received last year: 211
  • Sanctions last year: 15
  • Reports received so far this year: 37
  • Disruptions so far this year: 5
  • Sanctions so far this year: 5
Make report