Two girls playing football on a pitch outside

Athlete Support Personnel - Roles and Responsibilities

Clean Sport matters. Both athletes and Athlete Support Personnel (ASP) have a role to play in protecting clean sport.

ASP are bound by the Anti-Doping Rules too. You need to be fully aware of what that means for you, and what you need to do. Download UKAD's Clean Sport Essentials guide to enhance your knowledge and confidence to support your athletes to compete clean.

The facts - what you need to know

The World Anti-Doping Code states the roles and responsibilities that ASP have in relation to anti-doping.

This means you must:

  • Know and comply with the Anti-Doping Rules, policies and practices that apply to you as well as those that apply to the athletes you support

  • Co-operate with the testing programme for athletes

  • Use your influence on athletes positively to foster clean sport values and behaviours

  • Tell UKAD and your International Federation if you have committed an Anti-Doping Rule Violation in the last 10 years

  • Co-operate with any doping investigation when asked to do so

  • Not use or possess any prohibited substance or prohibited method without a valid and justifiable reason

  • Take the opportunity to be educated on anti-doping matters either through UKAD, your National Governing Body, Sports Institution or Professional Association

  • Have conversations within your sporting environment on anti-doping and encourage regular engagement in clean sport activities and events

  • Familiarise yourself with the universal rights available to athletes within anti-doping, which are set out in the WADA Athletes’ Anti-Doping Rights Act

  • Visit our Athlete Support Personnel hub for additional information

What that means for you

Anti-doping is complex and needs attention from all who are bound by the Anti-Doping Rules.

Remember, you too could face a ban from sport, not just the athletes. This, in most cases, is career ending.

Take your responsibilities towards anti-doping seriously and help those around you (practitioners and athletes) do the same.

There is no sympathy for ignorance or carelessness in anti-doping. Make sure you are up to date with everything you need to know to protect you and your athletes.