Special topics

UKAD has produced specific guidelines and resources (listed alphabetically below) for a number of common medical conditions requiring a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE).

Athletes who are applying for a TUE for one of the medical conditions below must complete the relevant application form and fulfil all requirements outlined in the relevant guidance documents.

Adrenaline Auto-Injectors

Athletes who are prescribed an adrenaline auto-injector for use in emergency situations (such as an allergic reaction) should refer to the following guidelines:

Adrenaline auto-injector guidelines 


Athletes requiring a TUE for a prohibited substance to treat asthma (including acute exacerbations of asthma) should refer to the following documentation:

Guidelines on acute exacerbation of asthma  NB. This document is currently being updated. In the meantime, please contact the Science and Medicine Team should you have any questions relating to TUE applications for exacerbations of asthma.

Beta-2 agonist TUE application form (for specific inhalers)

Standard TUE application form (for acute exacerbations of asthma)


Athletes requiring a TUE for stimulant medication to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) should refer to the following documentation:



ADHD TUE application form


Athletes requiring a TUE for the use of insulins to treat diabetes should refer to the following documentation:

Diabetes guidelines

Standard TUE application form

Emergency Medications

In the course of emergency treatment (e.g. surgery or admission to A&E), athletes may be prescribed with medication or methods of administration (e.g. intravenous (IV) infusions or injections of >100 ml per 12-hour period) which are prohibited in sport. Please refer to the following resource to find out when a TUE is necessary in such circumstances:

Emergency medicines infographic


Athletes requiring a TUE for the use of a glucocorticoid should refer to the following resources to find out when a TUE is necessary and the medical evidence required to support an application:

Glucocorticoid TUE Policy 

Glucocorticoid TUE Policy FAQs

Glucocorticoid TUE Policy Infographic

Glucocorticoid pre-application checklist and TUE application form (for local injections only)

Standard TUE application form (for glucocorticoids administered by a systemic route)

Hay Fever

Athletes who are prescribed a systemic glucocorticoid (such as an intramuscular triamcinolone injection) to treat hay fever should refer to the following documentation: 

Hay fever guidelines 

Please note: Applications for the one-off use of an intramuscular glucocorticoid (such as triamcinolone) must be submitted in advance of commencing treatment and the injection should not be administered until a decision has been communicated by UKAD to the athlete requesting a TUE.


Athletes requiring a TUE for the use of tramadol to manage chronic or acute pain should refer to the following documentation to find out when a TUE is necessary and the considerations before commencing use and applying for a TUE:

Tramadol TUE Position Statement

Standard TUE application form