Steps to take to check your medicines
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Athletes should always remember to check the anti-doping status of their medications!
Medications prescribed by a doctor or bought directly over the counter may contain prohibited substances. It is an athlete’s responsibility to check their medication before using it, even if they have used it before.

Search on Global DRO
Use Global DRO to find out if your medication is prohibited in sport.

Check if you need to apply for a TUE
Use UKAD’s TUE Wizard to find out if you need a TUE and when and how to apply. The tool will also ask you if you’ve checked with your doctor to see if there are no alternative permitted medications you can take first.

Apply for a TUE
If you need a TUE, submit an application alongside the relevant supporting medical evidence.

Don’t risk your career by not checking.
It's your body, your responsibility!
Check the anti-doping status of your medication before using it.