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Frequently asked questions: Clean Sport Hub

Logo Clean Sport Hub

The Clean Sport Hub is UKAD’s platform for clean sport education! The Clean Sport Hub provides easy access and tailored resources for athletes, coaches, parents, support staff and anyone who is interested in protecting clean sport.

UKAD have three eLearning courses:

Check out the FAQs below for any questions you may have on the Clean Sport Hub and associated courses. For further information, send us an email at


Common issues

I’ve forgotten my username

Your username is the email address you used when registering.  

I’ve lost my password

Please use the “I have forgotten my password” link underneath the login box on the Clean Sports Hub.

My course isn’t launching

If your course isn’t launching, be sure that pop-ups are enabled, as the course is launched in a separate window. If you have enabled pop-ups and are still having issues, you may need to clear your cookies and cache on your browser (this can be found in the browser settings). If you are still encountering problems, then please contact

I can't find my certificates

Please find your certificates on your Clean Sports Hub dashboard on the home screen. They may be obscured by the drop down menu on the left-hand of the screen, to remove this, press the 3 horizontal white lines at the in top-left-hand corner of the screen, as shown by the arrow in the image below. 

Screenshot of clean sport hub showing a red arrow pointing to the top left hand corner of the screen where there are 3 white lines


Clean Sport Hub

What is the Clean Sport Hub?

The Clean Sport Hub is a Learning Management System (LMS) that hosts UKAD’s eLearning and education resources. It was launched in 2021, replacing the UKAD Learning Zone.

You can access it here.

The development of the Clean Sport Hub allows the UKAD Education team to provide a world-class education system, where resources and information can be tailored to different target audiences and education pools. The Clean Sport Hub will also provide a support network for UKAD’s Education Delivery Network (EDN), acting as a touch point for communication and information for National Governing Bodies (NGBs).

Registering onto the Clean Sport Hub

To register, please follow this link. Click “Register” and follow the step-by-step instructions. If you encounter any problems whilst registering or logging onto the Clean Sports Hub, please contact


What reasonable adjustments have been made?

UKAD can provide support and reasonable adjustments to learners where applicable, to enable access to our eLearning for all. 

The Clean Sport Hub meets accessibility standards Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 AA.

The videos in the Clean Sport Hub courses feature audio, with the new courses including transcripts for audio content. We will be transitioning current content to ensure they meet accessibility standards.

We recommend you access in landscape mode for the best user experience. The Clean Sport Hub and associated eLearning content are mobile-friendly.

Learners are not required to request any special considerations for successful completion of our eLearning courses. Our eLearning programmes are self-paced and assessed through multiple-choice questions, with the option to complete the assessment again at any time to improve the pass score to a satisfactory level (80%).

What eLearning courses are available on the Clean Sport Hub?

The Clean Sport Hub provides eLearning that caters to the needs of its target audiences and interested stakeholders. All users are assigned to the courses as per their role, e.g., athlete, coach, medical professional, parents – so you get eLearning that is tailored to your role and experience. 

Coach Clean is available for all coaches registering onto the system. The course has a two-year certification period, you'll be notified when to recertify and you'll be emailed one month before your expiry date to log on to your Clean Sport Hub account to complete the Coach Clean renewal.

Introduction to Clean Sport course launched in April 2022 has replaced the Clean Sport Advisor course. The course has been designed to suit a broader audience, with the intention of improving the learning experience and understanding of everyone's roles and responsibilities in clean sport. The new course is split into six core modules that can be completed at your own pace. The course has a two-year certification period, you'll be notified when and how to recertify and you'll be emailed a month before your expiry date to log on to your Clean Sport Hub account to complete the Introduction to Clean Sport Renewal course.

Compete Clean+: A new 100% me athlete eLearning course was launched in October 2022. This course has been created in line with the International Standard for Education (ISE) and consists of 11 modules. This course is available to all athletes and can be completed in bitesize modules. The course has a two-year certification period, you'll be notified when and how to recertify and you'll be emailed a month before your expiry date to log on to your Clean Sport Hub account to complete the short renewal course.

How will the Clean Sport Hub support the Education Delivery Network (EDN)?

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) have built a robust Education Delivery Network (EDN) that consists of three levels – the Education team, National Trainers and Educators. The EDN is designed to increase the standards of delivery in clean sport education across the sporting landscape.   

The Education team’s role within the EDN is to provide support, guidance, resources, and continuous professional development to ensure the education delivered is effective.  

Both the role as a UKAD Educator and the UKAD National Trainer are types of ‘Educators’ defined by the WADA International Standards for Education (ISE).  

The Clean Sport Hub will facilitate education workshops and training to support the EDN.

How does the Clean Sport Hub support UKAD’s compliance with the International Standard for Education (ISE)?

The ISE is a mandatory International Standard as part of the World Anti-Doping Programme. It provides guidance and support for organisations in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of effective education programmes. Part of the ISE outlines core topics that must be covered within the programmes and each of the eLearning courses have been mapped to include these core topics. 


Course specific

What is the Introduction to Clean Sport course?

The Introduction to Clean Sport course aims to increase anti-doping information and awareness within the sporting landscape. It is split into six core modules, providing an overview of anti-doping and how you can support clean sport. It is suitable for people working in sport, studying anti-doping in further or higher education and for people interested in learning more about clean sport. The Introduction to Clean Sport course replaced the Clean Sport Advisor.  

This course has been designed in bitesize modules, so you are able to complete it at your own pace. Each module contains a final assessment which must be passed, so we recommend not leaving too much time between starting and finishing a module. 

The course has been fully endorsed against CIMPSA professional standards.  

I have completed the Clean Sport Advisor; do I need to complete the Introduction to Clean Sport course?  

Yes. The Clean Sport Advisor course has been replaced as of 1 April 2022. If you have completed the Clean Sport Advisor course you will be automatically enrolled onto the Introduction to Clean Sport course from 1 April 2022. You will then be on a clear structured pathway, with a two-year certification period and receive automated notifications.   

We would recommend you complete the Introduction to Clean Sport course, as the content and learning style is different to the Clean Sport Advisor. The course is applicable for learners with prior anti-doping knowledge as you can apply your knowledge and engage with different scenarios. 

I am a coach, what course should I complete?

If you have registered onto the Clean Sport Hub and selected ‘Coach’ only as your role within sport you will be automatically assigned the Coach Clean course. This course has been developed with specific scenarios and examples that will apply to your role as a coach.  

If you have multiple roles within sport – i.e., an elite coach and a parent of a talented athlete – the courses assigned to your account will be the Coach Clean course and the Introduction to Clean Sport course. Whilst currently there are some aspects of the course that include information on the same anti-doping topics we believe that you will find elements from both courses useful in your role in sport. 

I am an athlete and want to complete eLearning

Compete Clean+ has been released, UKAD’s eLearning course specifically for athletes. 

If you registered onto the Clean Sport Hub prior to October 2022 the course has been automatically added to your ‘My Learning’ dashboard. Please log into your account and start the course!  

If you are new to the Clean Sport Hub then please follow the registration process, creating your account and giving you access to the free course.  

I am an athlete and have already completed the WADA ADeL eLearning. Do I need to complete Compete Clean+ as well?

As the ADeL course is aimed at an international audience there are several clean sport topics that are not fully covered or included from the point of view of a UK athlete. Therefore, there are certain modules of the Compete Clean+ course that we would strongly recommend you complete to enhance your knowledge.  

Recognition of Prior Learning 

Please contact providing the date you completed the ADeL course and advise that you would like to enhance this learning. We will then ensure that the appropriate modules from the Compete Clean+ course are applied to your learning dashboard. The other modules of Compete Clean+ will still be available for you to complete if you would like to refresh your knowledge.  

I am an athlete and have completed an eLearning course set by my sport and/or International Federation (IF). Do I need to complete Compete Clean+ as well?

In this instance, we will need to review the content of that course to ensure that it covers all relevant clean sport topics from a UK athlete point of view. 

Please contact stating the course you have completed and the date of completion. We will then be able to advise what modules from the Compete Clean+ course we would recommend you complete.  


Organisation specific

I work for the UK Sport Institute (formerly called English Institute of Sport (EIS)) and completing the Introduction to Clean Sport course is a requirement of my employment. What do I need to do?

UKAD and the UKIS are working closely together to provide the relevant learning for you on your in-house employer’s central learning platform. The Introduction to Clean Sport course will be hosted on the Learning Arena, and you will be notified on how and when to complete the course internally.  

You will need to have an account on the Clean Sport Hub (if you do not already) and your course progress will be uploaded to the Clean Sport Hub as record of your completion. You will receive reminders and notifications via the Learning Arena until you leave the UKIS. Then communication will be from UKAD, and your learning profile will be up to date. 

As an organisation, we request that our new employees or members complete the Clean Sport Advisor course, should we do the same for the ‘Introduction to Clean Sport’ when it goes live?

Yes, we would highly recommend that you amend any job descriptions or policies where completing the Clean Sport Advisor course is a mandatory requirement to completing the Introduction to Clean Sport. 

Please ensure you update your link to the Introduction to Clean Sport course to this: 

You can also refer people to the UKAD eLearning | UK Anti-Doping and this Q&A if they have any questions. 

I am the ADL at my organisation. Is the Compete Clean+ course mandatory for athletes?

Completing the Compete Clean+ course is currently only mandatory for athletes competing at a Major Games that falls under the Clean Games Policy. The eLearning course is one of the mandatory education requirements. Read more about Compete Clean+ or contact  

However, when creating your Education Strategy and Implementation plan, you identified the groups of athletes within your Education Pools that must have education. We would strongly recommend that you utilise this eLearning course as a resource for those athletes who need mandatory education.