Clean sport week advertisement with picture of swimmer

What you see is 100% me: UKAD’s Clean Sport Week returns on 23-27 May 2022

At UK Anti-Doping, we want athletes to be educated and informed on the risks, to be able to say with confidence, “What you see is 100% me”. For this year’s Clean Sport Week on 23 – 27 May 2022, we’ll be challenging athletes and sports to speak up and champion clean sport - can you say with confidence “It’s 100% me”?

“100% me” is UKAD’s athlete education programme, available to athletes throughout their sporting journey. This summer, elite athletes will be competing at the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham. All athletes, athlete support personnel and coaches going to these Games will be completing UKAD’s clean sport education, set out in the UK’s Clean Games Policy.


Sign up to UKAD's Clean Sport Week Webinar on Tuesday 24 May

Clean Sport Week webinar advertisement with picture of athlete and invitation to join interactive panel session on Tuesday 24 May at 1pm. The content below includes link to eventbrite sign up.

On Tuesday 24 May as part of Clean Sport Week, athletes and their teams are invited to join an interactive webinar hosted by award winning broadcaster Caroline Barker, which will focus on asking a panel of experts how to prepare for a Major Games, with the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games in mind this summer. Sign up here.

Clean Sport Week is UKAD’s annual awareness week and involves a range of unique activities and opportunities to look at athlete education, anti-doping initiatives and how best to support athletes with their clean sport responsibilities.

UKAD’s Chief Executive, Jane Rumble commented: “Everyone in sport has a responsibility to protect clean sport. I welcome Clean Sport Week’s what you see is 100% me campaign. We want athletes to be clean and stay clean and be confident in their clean sport knowledge so that they make the right choices. Doping has a hugely negative impact on individuals, their wider sporting communities and aspiring sports people.”

Join us online to champion Clean Sport Week 2022