Mexican professional boxer Mauricio Lara receives two-year ban for Anti-Doping Rule Violations
Mexican professional boxer Mauricio Lara has been banned from all World Anti-Doping Code-compliant sport for two years, following Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) for the Presence and Use of a Prohibited Substance.
Mr Lara was tested by UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) on 28 May 2023 after his bout against Leigh Wood in Manchester. Analysis of Mr Lara’s Sample revealed the Presence of betamethasone, a glucocorticoid that is prohibited In-Competition when administered by any injectable, oral or rectal route.
In line with the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and UKAD’s respective glucocorticoid policies, UKAD conducted an Initial Review, inviting Mr Lara to explain the reason for his positive test result. In response, UKAD was provided with a doctor’s letter detailing how Mr Lara had received an injection of dexamethasone on 12 May 2023 (Out-of-Competition), following an injury to his shoulder whilst sparring.
UKAD instructed an independent scientific expert to review the explanation provided by Mr Lara. The independent expert concluded that the administration of dexamethasone on 12 May 2023 did not account for the betamethasone in Mr Lara’s Sample, which is an entirely different substance. UKAD invited Mr Lara to confirm whether he had administered any other substances prior to Sample collection, but the boxer was unable to offer any alternative explanation.
UKAD therefore proceeded to notify Mr Lara that he may have committed ADRVs for the Presence and Use of a Prohibited Substance and imposed a provisional suspension. Mr Lara was subsequently charged with the commission of both ADRVs. In response, Mr Lara offered no alternative explanation for the Adverse Analytical Finding.
In accordance with the UK Anti-Doping Rules, UKAD issued a written decision in respect of Mr Lara’s ADRVs, imposing a two-year period of Ineligibility from all World Anti-Doping Code compliant sport. The boxer’s ban from sport runs from 7 March 2024 (the date of the Provisional Suspension) and will expire on 6 March 2026.
Technical terms and more information
Please note, unless otherwise indicated or the context otherwise requires, capitalised terms used in this announcement have the meaning given to them in the UK Anti-Doping Rules and/or World Anti-Doping Code.
Mr Lara was bound by the UK Anti-Doping Rules after being granted a foreign boxer license by the British Boxing Board of Control (BBBoC). The BBBoC adopts the UK Anti-Doping Rules.
UKAD is aware that Mr Lara has competed in professional boxing, in Mexico, since his Provisional Suspension being imposed on 7 March 2024. However, with professional boxing in Mexico not being a World Anti-Doping Code-compliant sport, Mr Lara is not deemed to have violated the terms of his Provisional Suspension.
UK Anti-Doping Rule Article 7.10.6 states “During the period of a Provisional Suspension, the Athlete...who is subject to the Provisional Suspension may not participate in any capacity…in any Competition, Event or other activity organised, convened, authorised or recognised by the NGB or by any body that is a member of, or affiliated to, or licenced by the NGB”.
Adverse Analytical Findings are defined in the World Anti-Doping Code as “a report from a WADA-accredited laboratory or other WADA-approved laboratory that, consistent with the International Standard for Laboratories, establishes in a Sample the presence of a Prohibited Substance or its Metabolites or Markers or evidence of the use of a Prohibited Method.”
The World Anti-Doping Agency define In-Competition as “the period commencing 11.59pm on the day before a competition through to the end of such competition and the sample-collection process related to such competition”.