UKAD's Response to the Minister for Sport's Speech on the Criminalisation of Doping at CSF2017
UK Anti-Doping Chair Trevor Pearce said of the Minister for Sport and Civil Society Tracey Crouch's speech at today's Clean Sport Forum:
“We warmly welcome the recognition that anti-doping activities require more powers and more funding from a wider range of sources beyond government. In particular, we strongly support recommendations that will allow UKAD Doping Control Officers access to all sporting events without the need for tickets or accreditation and that sports governing bodies routinely provide their membership details to us. This will allow for more efficient and effective reviews of intelligence to take place.
"The debate around criminalisation of doping is complex and we welcome the clarity of the Government’s position.
"The recommendation that the Data Protection exemptions for criminal offences should be extended to cover anti-doping offences is a very practical and helpful step forward. We will continue to work with our partners to explore what further powers could be provided to the UKAD intelligence and investigations team without the need for legislation.
"We are also keen to see sports governing bodies take more responsibility for anti-doping and we are working through proposals to ensure this can achieved.
"We look forward to working with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport and sports governing bodies to implement these recommendations."