Hartpury Bids for Top Level of Anti-Doping Accreditation

Hartpury College has signed a Clean Sport commitment statement and started work towards achieving the highest level of anti-doping accreditation, as part of UKAD’s University Accreditation Scheme (UAS).

The UAS recognises the positive work of an academic institution in promoting clean sport and reflects an establishment’s culture, policies, practices, research and education relating to anti-doping.

Hartpury seeks to achieve ‘elite’ status, meaning they must deliver a comprehensive anti-doping education programme and introduce a series of creative initiatives to help establish a culture of clean sport.

As part of their action plan, Hartpury will host a series of workshops to educate athletes, coaches and other support staff about the risks of doping and their responsibility towards clean sport, as well as signposting where they can go for resources and advice.

Hartpury College Performance Lifestyle Manager Ruth Owen-Evans said: “We want all staff and students participating and competing for Hartpury – whether that’s at an elite level or just for fun – to feel confident that their training and competition environment is clean and fair.

“Athletes on our elite programmes are already made aware of our clean sport commitment and given all the support and advice they need to fulfil that commitment and optimise their performance safely, but this accreditation process will enable us to deliver a more comprehensive education programme right across the college.

“Anti-doping education will not only be delivered through specialist sports coaching, it will be woven into all academic courses, support services and the activities and recreational programme offered to all students.

“From the day they arrive on campus, students will hear the Clean Sport message, from enrolment right through to specialist guest lectures delivered as part of their course and the placement and research opportunities available to them.”

UKAD Head of Education and Athlete Support Amanda Batt added: “Educational institutions have the ability to influence the attitudes and behaviours of the next generation of athletes, coaches and wider athlete support personnel.

“The leading role Hartpury is taking to prevent doping is extremely encouraging and we look forward to continuing to work together to ensure they have the support and resources required to promote clean sport.”