athletics track

Education Delivery Network: Educators

UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) has built a robust Education Delivery Network (EDN) that consists of UKAD's Education Team, National Trainers and Educators.

The EDN is designed to increase the standards of delivery in clean sport education across the sporting landscape.

UKAD's Education Team's role within the EDN is to provide support, guidance, resources and continuous professional development to ensure the education delivered is effective.

WADA ISE Education

The role of a UKAD National Trainer and UKAD Educator both fit the definition of "Educators" as defined by the World Anti-Doping Agency International Standard for Education (ISE). The key differences are:

  • National Trainers are recruited, trained, accredited and directly deployed by UKAD's Education Team to deliver education programmes, support on wider programmes and support the EDN.
  • Educators are nominated by their organisation, trained and accredited by UKAD and will be deployed by their organisation to deliver education.

The role of an Educator and how to nominate - FAQs

The Educator Training Course
What is an Educator's role?

Educators apply the skills learnt on the course to deliver high quality clean sport education sessions, both in-person and online, tailored to the performance level of athletes or support personnel desired.  

Educators are a key component of UKAD’s EDN and provide accurate, organisation-specific clean sport education. 

How is the Educator Course delivered?

The Educator Training Course is delivered by UKAD National Trainers across two and a half training days over a fortnight. However, with completion of the Introduction to Clean Sport course a prerequisite, realistically the course will cover three days learning.  

Both courses will provide the candidates with skills and knowledge to deliver effective education sessions in-person and online.  

  • Online: This course will start with a half day (09:30 - 13:30) followed by two full days (09:30 - 17:30) with a week’s gap in between the full days, all of which will be online.

  • In-person: This course will start with a half a day online (09:30 - 13:30), followed by two consecutive days (09:30 - 17:30) in person a week after the half day online.

What is covered in the course?

Candidates will learn about the current best practice in clean sport education and how to best utilise experience and skills to embed the culture of clean sport across the sporting landscape. We will explore UKAD’s Clean Sport Curricula as tools to tailor delivery according to athlete and athlete support personnel performance level, and develop ideas for activities to engage the audience.  

Candidates will have opportunities to practise delivery online during both types of training course and learn how to adapt their skills for in-person delivery, on the purely online course.  

How are the candidates assessed?

Assessed delivery will take place across the course, aligning to the EDN Observation Matrix. Candidates will receive a copy of the matrix on the course and know what they are working towards.The timings of both types of course have been planned to enable the candidates to have time to reflect and prepare for their assessed delivery, with support from the UKAD Education team available.  

At the end of the course the candidate will have a 1:1 discussion with a National Trainer, providing feedback and the opportunity to discuss the course, their confidence and together form an action plan for their future delivery.  

The candidates will be assessed as one of four levels of Educator – Highly Effective, Effective, Needs Support or Ineffective. Their next steps would then depend upon their level. 

How do the candidates become Accredited Educators?

Candidates must complete the pre-reading and the Introduction to Clean Sport course prior to attending their chosen training course. If their outcome is Highly Effective, Effective or Needs Support they will be enrolled onto the Educator Assessment. Once they have passed the Assessment they will be Accredited Educators and will be given access to all the necessary resources and professional development support.

Upcoming dates & locations

16, 17 & 24 September 2024 - Online

8, 9 & 15 October 2024 - Online

5, 12 & 13 November 2024 - Loughborough

11, 12 & 18 February 2025 - Online

Nominating your Educator – Anti-Doping Lead of a National Governing Body (NGB)
I am the Anti-Doping Lead (ADL) for my National Governing Body and want to build my workforce, what should I do?

As an ADL for an NGB you will have written an education strategy and implementation plan.

Having the right resources and education opportunities in place is an important part of your planning. Developing a workforce, especially for larger NGBs, is important and  we aim to support you to develop this workforce with the Educator Training course.  

It is important that the right candidate is nominated based on their knowledge, experience, skills and competencies alongside the plan for education delivery. UKAD have resources that can support you in the monitoring and evaluation of the education delivery that can be found in the Assurance Framework resources.  

As part of the requirements to maintain Educator status (including keeping up to date with CPD and regular observations) they must also continue to be tied to an UKAD affiliated partner organisation. Anyone unsure about the status of their organisation should contact UKAD to check.

Due to the significant growth in the numbers of NGBs that we work with, we cannot provide fully funded Educator places from 1 April 2024. For 2024/2025, we are offering a subsidy of 50% for one place per NGB (£210). For additional spaces the cost will be £420. All prices plus VAT. 

Applications are not guaranteed to be successful and will be reviewed in line with the nomination criteria alongside the education needs outlined in NGB education plans.

How should I select my candidates?

Suitable candidates should have experience in all three of the essential criteria and at least three of the desirable criteria below:

Essential skills:  

  • Planning and preparation of educational workshops or coaching sessions (in person and/or online)
  • Delivering engaging and interactive workshops 
  • Reflection and review of educational workshops 

Desirable skills: 

The ability to: 

  • Adapt activities based on candidate experiences, knowledge, behaviour and progress 
  • Motivate others to encourage and support learning 
  • Co-ordinate workshops 
  • Develop rapport with different age groups 
  • Present a variety of topics, in a variety of learning environments 
  • Evaluate others’ performances by giving/receiving feedback 
  • Actively listen and support learning  
  • Encourage and guide others to accept and take responsibility for their own behaviour, learning and performance 

The candidates’ role should be aligned to your Education Strategy/Implementation Plan.

What is my role in nominating and supporting the candidate before the training course?

Candidates must be selected and nominated by you as the ADL based on the strict criteria around experience and suitability above. We would recommend that you carry out due diligence when selecting your candidate, ensuring they are fully aware of how their Educator role supports your sport’s education strategy and implementation plan, and ensure you are able to communicate effectively.  

You must ensure the candidate is aware of the structure of the course and the pre-course requirements. 

If the preferred option is the blended Educator Training Course, it is your organisation's responsibility to organise suitable travel arrangements. UKAD will provide refreshments and lunch during the training days. 

What is my role in supporting the candidate after the training course?

UKAD will provide Educators with ongoing professional development and resources to plan, deliver and evaluate sessions effectively. If we identify any issues or areas that require support, we will liaise with yourself and the Educator to develop an Action Plan. 

You must commit to regular communication with your workforce and assist with the monitoring and evaluation of their education sessions.

Nominating your Educator – Clean Sport Lead of a University or College
I am the Clean Sport Lead for my University or College and want to build my workforce, what should I do?

Educators are a key component of UKAD’s Education Delivery Network (EDN) and provide accurate, organisation specific clean sport education - ideal for delivering tailored sessions to student athletes. 

As part of the requirements to maintain Educator status (including keeping up to date with CPD and observations) they must also continue to be tied to an UKAD affiliated partner organisation. Anyone unsure about the status of their organisation should contact UKAD to check.

Due to the significant growth in the number of Partner organisations that we work with, the cost of an Educator space has increased from £375 to £420 per place (+VAT).

Spaces on the Educator courses are limited and therefore all applications will be reviewed against Implementation Plans as well as your institution’s engagement with wider partner organisations such as NGBs, home nation associations and other Partner institutions within your region.

Before applying, please consider the impact of having an Educator alongside alternatives, such as key members of staff (ASP) completing the Introduction to Clean Sport eLearning, as these individuals are likely to have more regular contact with athletes and therefore could be just as, if not more influential in impacting clean sport culture within your setting. The eLearning does not quality assure your staff to deliver formal anti-doping education but is a good source of information and provides opportunity for signposting and advice.


What is the Clean Sport Higher Education Partnership?

The Clean Sport Higher Education Partnership is free to join and will utilise some of our National Trainers in a regional structure to collaborate, challenge and share best practice. The aim of the Partnership is to support the Higher Education sector to further develop the culture of clean sport across the UK.  

Designed to offer something for all institutions, covering all aspects of Sports Development / Performance, Academic and Research, the Partnership will look to equip elite and recreational university student athletes with clean sport knowledge, as well as targeting students (linked to key Athlete Support Personnel roles) through their formal degree programmes.  

In order for institutions to become Partners, they will need to meet the following requirements: 

  • Appoint a Clean Sport Lead 
  • Engage with regions or home nations, contributing to regional meetings each semester 
  • Develop and deliver a Clean Sport Implementation Plan 
  • Case study and quantitative data submission in May each year 
  • Review processes and reapply for Partner status 

Read more about the Clean Sport Higher Education Partnership.

Can an Educator from another institution deliver clean sport education at my institution?

Educators are able to deliver across a range of settings and to different audiences, so there is no reason why institutions cannot work together to deliver athlete education. In the first instance institutions are encouraged to reach out to other institutions within their region for support via their Clean Sport Lead.  Educators must be nominated by an affiliated UKAD partner organisation, such as a Clean Sport Higher Education Partner or recognised National Governing Body (NGB) of sport. If an Educator leaves a recognised organisation their Educator status will no longer be accredited.  


What is my role in nominating and supporting the candidate before the training course?

Candidates must be selected and nominated by yourself as the CSL based on the strict criteria around experience and suitability above. We would recommend that you carry out due diligence when selecting your candidate, ensuring they are fully aware of how their Educator role supports your institution’s Implementation Plan, and ensure you are able to communicate effectively.  

You must ensure the candidate is aware of the structure of the course and the pre-course requirements. 

If the preferred option is the in-person Educator Training Course, it is your organisation's responsibility to organise suitable and travel arrangements. UKAD will provide refreshments and lunch during the training days.  


What is my role in supporting the candidate after the training course?

UKAD will provide Educators with professional development and resources to plan, deliver and evaluate sessions effectively. If we identify any issues or areas that require support, we will liaise with you and the Educator to develop an Action Plan. 

You must commit to regular communication with your workforce and assist with the monitoring and evaluation of their education sessions.

Nominate your Educator 

If you would like to nominate someone in your organisation to become an Educator and support the delivery of your clean sport plan, please complete this form.

Please make sure you have thought carefully who you will be nominating onto the Educator Training Course and have all the information to hand. Please note, this form must be completed in a single setting, you cannot save your progress.

The cost of an Educator space is £420 per person unless otherwise subsidised. Please see above for relevant information to your organisation.