Clean Sport Week 2025
The Next Generation
Protecting and empowering young athletes.
To ensure the future of sport is a bright and clean one, it’s vital that we support and educate young people on anti-doping and inspire them to become proud clean athletes. Join UK Anti-Doping, supported by TASS, SportsAid, DiSE, and Pearson, on 19 – 23 May to discuss how the sporting community, family, friends, and those working with young people, can protect and empower young athletes.
Whether you’re a proud aspiring athlete on your clean sport journey, a parent/ carer looking for the right tools to support your child in sport, a school or college wanting to teach your pupils about fair play, or a sports organisation developing their clean culture, be sure to get involved in Clean Sport Week.

You can expect new research to be shared into young people’s views on doping in sport, the sharing of resources, inspiring interviews and digital content with up and coming athletes and current sporting stars, as well as an in person event, plus much more.
Follow @ukantidoping for more information.