UKAD Campaigns Toolkit

This webpage contains graphics and resources that you can download and use to promote clean sport. 

Clean Sport Week

UKAD’s Campaigns Toolkit for Clean Sport Week will help you and your organisation plan your content and activities for this year’s theme "The Next Generation" taking place 19 –  23 May 2025. 

Click on the dropdowns below to download social media graphics and learn about the different activities you can take part in during the week.

Get involved in the conversation on social media using the hashtag #CleanSportWeek.


Social media graphics

All graphics can be downloaded in various sizes from our ShareFile folder

Save the date

Use this graphic to promote Clean Sport Week on the lead up to the event.

A blue and red background with white text

AI-generated content may be incorrect.

Save the date: @ukantidoping’s Clean Sport Week is back on 19 – 23 May. 

To ensure the future of our sport is a clean one, it’s vital that we support and inspire young people to become proud clean athletes. 



During Clean Sport Week 

Use this graphic during Clean Sport Week to support the theme ‘The Next Generation’. 

There are two versions of this graphic, one with a stock image in the background, or alternatively, if your organisation would like to use your own image, please download our overlay.

Graphic advertising Clean Sport Week

Overlay graphic to insert your own picture in the background.

We are proud to support #CleanSportWeek, inspiring the next generation of athletes to compete clean.

A culture of clean sport is essential for the long-term health and wellbeing of athletes.


Graphic advertising Clean Sport Week with an image of a girl running

Graphic with stock image

We are proud to support #CleanSportWeek, inspiring the next generation of athletes to compete clean.

A culture of clean sport is essential for the long-term health and wellbeing of athletes.


Social media activities

If you're an organisation who works closely with elite athletes, speak to them about their advice for the next generation. Here are two activities using video and graphics that you can post on your social media throughout Clean Sport Week.

1. Video/graphic: What is your advice for the next generation?


My advice for the next generation is:

  • Start anti-doping habits from a young age, such as checking medications don’t contain any prohibited substances
  • Speak to your coach about clean sport
  • Complete some anti-doping education through Get Set or UKAD’s Clean Sport Hub
  • Have a good support network around you that have your health and wellbeing in mind
2. Video/graphic: UKAD’s 100%me PRIDE values are Passion, Respect, Integrity, Determination and Enjoyment. Which is the most important value for children and young people? 


My most important 100%me value / value is:

  • Integrity - because it’s about standing up for what you believe in
  • Showing respect – for your body, your competitors and the officials 
  • All of them - because they make sport fun to enjoy and participate in
  • Respect for the rules
Example press release

Share this news release on your website to show your support during Clean Sport Week:

The Next Generation: Protecting and supporting young athletes during Clean Sport Week, 19 – 23 May. 

[XX Insert sport/ organisation name] is committed to clean sport and will be supporting UK Anti-Doping’s (UKAD’s) Clean Sport Week campaign from 19 - 23 May.  

Clean Sport Week is UKAD’s national awareness campaign championing clean sport, education and anti-doping initiatives with sports across the UK. 

This year’s Clean Sport Week theme is “The Next Generation”. To ensure the future of our sport is a bright and clean one, it’s vital that we support and educate young people on anti-doping and inspire them to become proud clean athletes. UKAD has teamed up with; TASS, SportsAid, DiSE and Pearson to discuss how the sporting community, family, friends, and those working with young people, can protect and empower young athletes. 

A culture of clean sport is essential for the long-term health and wellbeing of athletes. Whether you’re a proud aspiring [player/athlete of sport] on your clean sport journey, a parent/ carer looking for the right tools to support your child in [the sport], a school or college wanting to teach your pupils about fair play, be sure to follow and get involved in Clean Sport Week. 

We encourage anyone in our sporting community that would like to learn more about anti-doping to sign up to UKAD’s Clean Sport Hub where there are free education courses for athletes, students, coaches and practitioners. 

Follow @ukantidoping on social media to see a range of educational and exciting content throughout the week. To find out more about UKAD’s Clean Sport Week initiative click here

Primary and secondary school resources

Involve young people in talking about the values of sport. Here are resources aimed at primary and secondary school education. 


Primary School 

Take part in a school assembly on the Spirit of Sport: 

Inspired by Laura Deas, UKAD Athlete Commission Member (Pyeongchang 2018 Olympic bronze medallist). Laura delivers a fun 7-minute video around respect and determination for primary school children, exploring values and key themes of the Spirit of Sport resources. 

Lesson planning 

Help your students learn about inspiration in sport. Check out this lesson plan where students can reflect on real-world examples to help them identify how they can be inspired and also inspire others. Share this video on Inspiration (featuring Paralympian Susie Rodgers MBE, and Olympian James Rodwell) 


Secondary School 

Lesson planning 

Use the following resources on the Spirit of Sport in Competition

Think Real 

Think Real focusses on good nutrition and is aimed at a general audience for delivery in PSHE sessions. The Team resources are aimed at GCSE PE students or those engaged in extra-curricular sport. 

Use the following resources to learn about Think Real

  • Fuel - Class (balanced diet and nutrition) where students will explore the nutritional value of foods and recognise the influences on their own food choices. 
  • Fuel - Team (balanced diet and nutrition) where students will explore their food ‘influencers’, discuss supplement use, and plan a meal for a sports team. 
  • Video: Fuel Film 
Further education resources

The resources below will support aspiring athletes to learn about clean sport and sporting integrity.

Diploma in Sporting Excellence (DiSE

DiSE offers aspiring athletes aged 16-18 the chance to train and study a full-time education programme and support their wider career aspirations.

BTEC level 3 Resources (Pearson)

Level 3 BTEC resources are available to download for free on the UKAD Clean Sport Hub. Created in collaboration with Pearson, clean sport content spans a range of units on numerous courses including, Sport, Fitness & Personal Training, Sports Coaching & Development, Sport & Outdoor Activities, and Sports Excellence & Performance, as well as additional coverage across aspects of their Apprenticeship programmes, GCSE and A-Level qualifications. 

For more detailed information on these courses, visit UKAD’s Further Education Resources page

Parent & carer resources

Caregivers are a huge influence in a young person’s life and can help inform their attitude and approach to sport. A good place to start in your support of young athletes is to read UKAD’s Parents and Carers Booklet available from our Parents and Carers information page.  

How to talk to your child / young person about clean sport

To help explain clean sport to young people, use these examples below as inspiration in your communications.

Primary school

“Sport is fun when we play fair. If we follow the rules and show our values, then we can inspire others... and have lots of fun with our friends.” 

Secondary school

“In order to play fair, we must follow the rules and believe in our natural ability. Look after your body and eat healthily, focusing on good nutrition, so you can compete naturally in sport.” 

Young athletes (talent pathway):

“Clean sport matters. Throughout your sporting journey, clean sport makes sure you and your competitors compete on a level playing field and that your sporting success is a result of hard work, determination and respect for the rules.”

“Cheating in any form undermines the spirit of sport and the efforts of clean athletes. Education at this stage of your career helps you to take responsibility for your actions, including what you eat and drink, and helps you understand the anti-doping rules that you are subject to.”


Other Campaigns:

Protect Your Sport

Example graphics and copy

All Protect Your Sport graphics can be downloaded in this ShareFile folder.

display one yellow syringe trophy standing on the top step of the podium, next to two greyed out athletes in second and third place. The words if they’re doping they’re cheating also appear in block capitals.

Doping is cheating. Help us #ProtectYourSport by reporting all signs of doping, no matter how small the information may seem.

Speak to @ukantidoping about your suspicions in confidence. Search Protect Your Sport.

 Icons display three yellow athletes standing on a podium next to a greyed out athlete in fourth place. The words doping is cheating, stop them taking your place also appear in block capitals.

Stop cheats from taking your place on the podium. Help us #ProtectYourSport by reporting all signs of doping. 

Speak to @ukantidoping about your suspicions in confidence.

Search Protect Your Sport




The Prohibited List

Example graphics and copy
Graphic reads "The Prohibited List comes into effect 1 January 2025" with a picture of the 2025 Prohibited List

Get ready for 1 January 2025 when WADA’s 2025 Prohibited List comes into effect. The Prohibited List outlines what substances and methods are prohibited in sport.  


Visit @UKAntiDoping to read their summary of changes and remember to check your medications on Global DRO from 1 January. 

Graphic reads "Re-check any medication you take on Global DRO from 1 January 2025" with a picture of a pill bottle.

Athletes, the 2025 Prohibited List is in effect from 1 January 2025. When it comes to medications you take, remember to search, check and apply. 

Search your medications on Global DRO

Check if you need a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) to take them, using UKAD’s TUE Wizard

If needed, apply for a TUE, following the steps on UK Anti-Doping’s website.  

For more information, visit @UKAntiDoping. 


General messaging

Example graphics and copy

These graphics and more can all be downloaded from our ShareFile.

Graphic that reads "checking supplements" with image of supplements in the background

All athletes face the risks of inadvertent doping due to the use of supplements, as there is no guarantee that any particular supplement is free from prohibited substances.   

If you need to take supplements for any reason as an athlete, assess the risk, assess the need and assess the consequences - before you take them. 

Find out more by searching 🔎 UKAD Supplements Hub   


Tapping the link ⬇️ 

Graphic reads "checking your medication" with pill packed in the background

Do you know what's in your medication❓ 

It may contain prohibited substances❗ 

Athletes must check their medication before using it - even if they have used it before. 

Remember that medications bought abroad may contain different substances from those purchased in the UK.  

Discover more about why you should and how you can check your medication by searching 🔎 UKAD Global Dro 


Tapping this link ⬇️ 

 Graphic reads "search UKAD Clean Sport Hub" with image of someone on the Clean Sport Hub on their iPad.

Did you know that there are free online courses to help you compete clean ❓ 

The Clean Sport Hub is UKAD’s online platform for anti-doping education. 

With tailored courses for athletes, coaches, parents and all those who support athletes, the Clean Sport Hub gives anyone interested in protecting our sport access to world-class eLearning and education resources. 

To educate yourself, just tap the link ⬇️  

 Graphic reads "what is a Therapeutic Use Exemption?" with an image of a doctor in the background

There may be situations where an athlete has an illness or medical condition that requires them to use a prohibited substance or method.  

A Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) permits an athlete to use an otherwise prohibited substance or method, for therapeutic purposes, whilst continuing to compete in their chosen sport.  At the point that you are prescribed with any medication (or purchase any medication over-the-counter), you should check the anti-doping status of that medication on Global DRO.  

If the medication or method of treatment you need is prohibited, then use the UKAD TUE Wizard online to find out when and how to apply for a TUE. 

You can learn more about TUEs and the TUE process from @ukantidoping by following the link⬇️ 

#CleanSport #SearchCheckApply 

Graphic reads "What are the 11 Anti-Doping Rule Violations?"

Did you know that there are 11 Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRVs) and that seven of these rules also apply to athlete support personnel⁉️ 

Make sure you are aware of all the ADRVs and the consequences of breaking them.  

You can discover more about ADRVs from @ukantidoping by searching 🔎 UKAD anti-doping rules  

Or tap the link ⬇️ 


 Graphic reads "the Testing Process" with an image of testing sample bottles in the background

Athletes can be tested any time, any place by UKAD.  

To learn more about the testing process, your rights and responsibilities, follow this link ⬇️  


Graphic reads "what is Whereabouts?"


🗺️📍 Athlete whereabouts are an essential part of the anti-doping process, helping @ukantidoping to safeguard #CleanSport.  

The Whereabouts system allows UKAD and other testing agencies to test athletes with no advanced notice. It’s therefore vital that you keep your Whereabouts up to date and that you are where you say you will be! 

If you are asked to provide Whereabouts information and fail to do so or are not where you said you would be, you risk receiving a Whereabouts Failure and possibly a ban from sport. 

If you have questions about Whereabouts, you can find all the answers by searching 🔎 UKAD Whereabouts 

Or tapping here⬇️